In this material age of today, the best work is service of others. Whether it is to anyone, such as trees, plants, animals, birds, water, air, earth, sky, human beings or everything in which there is life or from whom there is life! Since human beings are superior among all living beings, therefore human service is the best service!
It is because of time or our own thinking that the child who was very dear to everyone in childhood, becomes unpleasant to everyone in old age, everyone starts thinking them worthless, their own people start shunning old people and in today’s material age, many people starts calculating the profit and loss in spending both time and money on the parents, they ignore their parents.
Children who learned to walk by holding the fingers of their parents, saw the world and understood. They are not interested to know under what circumstances their parents are in the last stage of life in old age, when the parents need most care / support, They are left alone to lead a lonely life .
If you want to serve such old people selflessly, if you understand the importance of service, then those unknown destitute old people who are facing immense sorrows in the last stage of life, who really need our best support from all of you. It is needed that these destitute old people who are like our parents, in the last stage of their life, they can be provided another opportunity to live the precious moments of happiness with respect, so come with us, in our small beautiful initiative to help someone in his difficult times. We all have our own organization, Shri Ravindra Manav Seva Sansthan, which has taken a pledge for the living and eating of such old people with the support of all of you, these old people are those who are in the last stage of life, let’s fill their remaining days with pride, happiness and honor!
Respected brothers, if you also want to be a participant in this life-like service with us, then you are warmly welcome, you should cooperate with our organization according to your ability, any kind of help / cooperation given by you is invaluable for us! So that all of us can get the ultimate blessings of these old people and all our wishes of your life continue to be fulfilled, its positive effect will be felt by our coming generations too! We wholeheartedly invite all those positive thinking persons who always walk with us without stopping tirelessly selflessly. With money you can buy everything in the world, but not the parents, the service of the parents is the truest spiritual practice. Let us all come together to serve these unknown destitute old people who are like our parents and get their companionship and ultimate blessings. Let us take a step forward in the journey of “Nar Sewa to Narayan Sewa” by joining the organization or becoming a registered member on the wonderful true journey of service of this life!
Join the organization leading the work of social service since 2014 or contact for registered membership in the organization!
Ritendra Nath Mishra, Founder/President Shri Rabindra Manav Seva Sansthan (Regd.)SRMSS
Address- Smt Surja Devi Bhawan E-4547 Sector-12 Rajajipuram 226017
Lucknow, U.P., India